A wilderness survival roguelike made for 7DRL 2013.
Tested in Chrome and Firefox. Written from scratch in JavaScript (not including jQuery and Backstretch). Title painting is Téli táj [Winter Landscape] by László Mednyánszky.
Play and download links below are for v1.3 (a post 7drl patch). See version history for original.
Auto-run button: inspired by Crawl's autoexploration, Auto-run runs until you hit a non-snow tile or get low on temperature/satiety
Imperial/metric toggle added (all distances are still in meters however)
Nighttime is now slightly darker
Initial direction is now listed in HELP
Added notice about distance to exit on death
Difficulty tweaks: sleeping items are better, the game is about 50% shorter (by distance), steps take twice as long, slight bonus to satiety. In general, the game is now harder from the start, but should take less time to beat. Motivation: I felt the game was artificially long, especially compared to some other very compressed RLs submitted. In v1.0, you can go several days without wearing clothing and hardly notice.